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Created in 1985, MDA is a distribution company of mainly white household appliances (7% brown products). The group’s headquarters are based near Lyon (Lozanne). The group is part of the “Large and Medium Specialized Stores” (GSS). It relies on a network of 130 stores, 63 of which are owned. (The other stores are subject to an affiliation contract). The group is positioned on the discount market (“Mon discounter à moi” / direct factory sales, destocking). The stores are located throughout France, with a higher concentration in the Rhône-Alpes and PACA regions.

Participation: minoritaire 

Retail trade of household appliances in specialized stores.

Michel Vieira

IXO intervention: 7 M€

Sales figures: 364,7 M€ (2020)

Effective: 751 (2020)