IXO Private Equity is a private equity management company recognized, approved and authorized by the Financial Market Authorities (AMF) since 15 July 2003 operating under the number GP03018. The company manages French General Private Equity Investment Funds (known in France as F.P.C.I.), Local Private Equity Investment Fund or Retail funds (known in France as F.I.P.), and Private Equity Investment Funds for Innovation (F.C.P.I.).
Based in Toulouse, Marseille and Lyon, IXO Private Equity is meeting the equity needs for the best companies in South-West and South-East France and Rhône-Alpes in order to create, develop and hand down from across its 3 investments types:
- Venture Capital Venture Capital for high potential start up firms and small business,
- Growth Capital for restructuring or expanding further for ambitious PME-PMI
- LBO/ OBO / MBO to accomplish alongside executives and buyers, the passing on of their firms. pour couvrir les besoins des FIP en entreprises récentes.
Evolution of assets under management in €m
Over €820m assets under management are spread over several Funds and cover a broad range of investments from €1m to €30m per project.
iXO Private Equity is a reliable shareholder that is commited to the success of each company
One of the major features in our collective success is the commitment and long-term involvement of our team, experts and members of the strategic advisory committee. iXO P.E. gives earnest support to strategic or structural decisions taken by its affiliated firms. iXO P.E’s expertise in financial arbitrage, Build-ups, and Cash-outs makes it an on-hand high-value partner.

iXO PRIVATE EQUITY includes the Environment, Social and Governance concern in:

- Its own management and daily internal policies of its staff,
- The investment decision-making process,
- The right governance of accompanied firms, and in particular that they also integrate social, environmental and economic concerns into their own activities and interactions with involved stakeholders.